Lançamento: 1995
Plataformas: Arcade, PlayStation, SNES, Sega Genesis, PC, MAC, Game Boy, Game Gear
Com o tremendo sucesso dos primeiros jogos, Mortal Kombat 3 tinha grandes expectativas para serem preenchidas a fim de superar Mortal Kombat II. Para muitas pessoas, essas expectativas nem chegaram perto de serem preenchidas. Para muitos, Mortal Kombat 3 marcou o fim da ascensão MK à popularidade. A Midway fez mudanças radicais com a jogabilidade, e adicionou um sistema de combos que muitas pessoas simplesmente não aceitaram, dizendo que o jogo era muito complexo para ser divertido. Além disso, a Midway adicionou um número insano de Fatalities humorísticos, e também os Animalities, que transformava seu lutador em um animal assassino.
Lutadores que Voltam
Novos Lutadores
Sindel, Stryker, Sheeva, Cyrax, Sektor, Nightwolf, Kabal
Lutadores Secretos
Smoke, Noob Saibot (como sombra do Kano)
Shao Kahn: Mesma aparência do Mortal Kombat II.
Motaro: Centauro com uma cauda robótica que dispara bolas de fogo. Ele também pode se teleportar.
- Novos "Kombat Kodes" de seis díígitos são colocados na Tela Versus e podem afetar a maneira que a batalha é realizada.
- Jax possui braços cibernéticos.
- O novo botão de "Corrida", limiitado por uma barra de poder, permite que você corra em direção ao oponente para atacar.
- Sub-Zero aparece sem máscara pela primeirra vez.
- O novo movimento "Mercy" permite que seu oponente volte à luta, após ser nocauteado. Só usando o "Mercy" que é possível realizar uma Animality.
- Em sua pose de vitória, Stryker usa sua ppistola que não faz parte de nenhum de seus ataques.
- Você pode mandar o oponente teto acima paara um novo cenário, usando um uppercut.
- Pode-se controlar um Shokan (pena que é SSheeva, e não Goro).
- Ho Sung Pak, o Liu Kang original, não intterpreta mais o personagem.
- Dan Forden adicionou "Frosty!" e "Crispy!" para sua lista de gritos.
- Kerri Hoskins substitui Elizabeth Maleckii para interpretar Sonya Blade.
Versões para Console
A Sony Playstation aproveitou um curto período, quando tinha a única cópia de MK3 para um console caseiro. Mais uma vez, a versão do PC é a mais forte de todas.
Lista de Golpes
B - Trás
F - Frente
U - Cima
D - Baixo
HP - Soco Alto
LP - Soco Baixo
HK - Chute Alto
LK - Chute Baixo
BL - Bloqueio
R - Corrida
( ) - Segurar o botão
[] - Distância a ficar do oponente
para desferir o Fatality
- Mercy: para fazer um Mercy, você deve estar no terceiro round, e quando levar seu oponente ao "Finish Him/Her", segurar RN, apertar D,D e soltar RN. Isso dará uma nova chance ao oponente para atacar, deixando-o novamente em "Danger".
- Para fazer Babalities e Friendships, vocêê não deve usar o botão de bloqueio no último round.
- Para fazer Animalities, você deve realizaar um Mercy antes.
- Para fazer Pit Fatalities, execute os códdigos o mais perto possível do oponente.
Fireball: F,F,HP (Pode ser feito no ar)
Low Fireball: F,F,LP
Flying Kick: F,F,HK
Bicycle Kick: segure LK por 3 segundos
Fatality 1: F,F,D,D,LK
Fatality 2: U,D,U,U,BL+R
Animality: [rasteira] D,D,U
Babality: D,D,D,HK
Friendship: R,R,R,D + R
Pit: [de perto] R,BL,BL,LK
Grenade Close: (LK) B-B-HK
Grenade Far: (LK) F-F-HK
Net: B-B-LK
Teleport: F-D-BL (pode ser feito no ar)
Air throw: D-F-BL, e aperte LP para arremesar.
Fatality 1: D-D-U-D-HP
Fatality 2: [perto] D-D-F-U-R
Animality: [perto] U-U-D-D
Friendship: R-R-R-U
Babality: F-F-B-HP
Pit: R-BL-R
1 Missile: B-F-HP
2 Missiles: F-F-B-B-HP
Gotcha Grab: F-F-LP (aperte LP várias vezes para continuar socando)
Backbreaker: BL (no ar)
Quad Slam: use um arremeso e aperte HP várias vezes
Ground Pound: segre LK por 3 segundos
Dashing Punch: F-F-HK
Fatality: [perto] (BL) U-D-F-U
Fatality: [longe] R-BL-R-R-LK
Animality: [perto] (LP) F-F-D-F
Friendship: LK-R-R-LK
Babality: D-D-D-LK
Pit: D-F-D-LP
Top Spin: B-F-LK
Eye Spark: B-B-HP (pode ser feito no ar)
Ground Saw: B-B-B-R
Fatality 1: [rasteira] D-D-B-F-BL
Fatality 2: [perto]R-BL-BL-BL-HK
Animality: [perto] Hold HP (F-F-D-F)
Friendship: [longe] R-LK-R-R-U
Babality: R-R-LK
Obs.: No MK3 ele é bem mais forte do que no UMK3 e no Trylogi, aqui os seus combos e golpes arrancam muito damage, pra quem sabe jogar com ele como eu, no MK3 ele é praticamente Supremo.
Knife Throw: D-B-HP
Knife Uppercut: D-F-HP
Cannon Ball: segure LK por 3 segundos
Grab and Shake: D-F-LP
Air Throw: BL (no ar)
Fatality 1: [perto] (LP) F-D-D-F
Fatality 2: [rasteira] LP-BL-BL-HK
Animality: [perto] (HP) BL-BL-BL
Friendship: LK-R-R-HK
Babality: F-F-D-D-LK
Hat Throw: B-F-LP
Teleport: D-U
Flying Kick: U-D-HK (no ar)
Spin: F-D-F R,R,R,R...
Fatality 1: R-BL-R-BL-D
Fatality 2: [rasteira] F-F-B-D-HP
Animality: [perto]R-R-R-R-BL
Friendship: [meio] R-LP-R-LK
Babality: D-F-F-HP
Pit: D-D-F-F-LK
Arrow: D-B-LP
Hatchet Uppercut: D-F-HP
Shadow Shoulder: F-F-LK
Glow (reflects missiles): B-B-B-HK
Fatality 1: [perto] U-U-B-F-BL
Fatality 2: [longe] B-B-D-HP
Animality: [perto] F-F-D-D
Friendship: [fora da rasteira] R-R-R-D
Babality: F-B-F-B-LP
Pit: R-R-BL
Teleport+Uppercut: F-F-LK (pode ser feito no ar)
Missile: F-F-LP
Guided Missile : F-D-B-HP
Fatality 1: [rasteira] LP-R-R-BL
Fatality 2: [meia tela] F-F-F-B-BL
Animality: [perto] F-F-D-U
Friendship: [meia tela]R-R-R-R-D
Babality: B-D-D-D-HK
Pit: R-R-R-D
1 Fireball: B-B-HP
2 Fireballs: B-B-F-HP
3 Fireballs: B-B-F-F-HP
Volcanic Eruption: F-B-B-LK
Cyrax: BL-BL-BL
Jax: F-F-D-LP
Kabal: LP-BL-HK
Kano: B-F-BL
Kung Lao: R-R-BL-R
Liu Kang: F-D-B-U-F
Nightwolf: U-U-U
Sektor: D-F-B-R
Sheeva: (LK) F-D-F
Sindel: B-D-B-LK
Sonya: D+R+LP+BL
Stryker: F-F-F-HK
Sub-Zero: F-D-F-HP
Fatality 1: [perto] (LP) D-F-F-D
Fatality 2: [perto] (LP) R-BL-R-BL
Animality: [rasteira] (HP) R-R-R
Friendship: LK-R-R-D
Babality: R-R-R-LK
Pit: U-U-B-LP
Teleport Stomp: D-U
Stomp: B-D-B-HK
Fireball: D-F-HP
Fatality 1: [perto] F-D-D-F-LP
Fatality 2: [perto] (HK) B-F-F
Animality: [perto] R-BL-BL-BL-BL
Friendship: F-F-D-F, HP
Babality: D-D-D-B-HK
Pit: D-F-D-F-LP
Fireball: F-F-LP
Air Fireball: D-F-LK (no ar)
Fly: B-B-F-HK (BL para voltar ao chão)
Scream: F-F-F-HP
Fatality 1: [rasteira] R-R-BL-R-BL
Fatality 2: [perto] R-BL-BL-R+BL
Animality: F-F-U-HP
Friendship: R-R-R-R-R-U
Babality: R-R-R-U
Pit: D-D-D-LP
Energy Rings: D-F-LP
Leg Grab: D+LP+BL
Square Wave Punch: F-B-HP
Bicycle Kick: B-B-D-HK
Fatality 1: [um pouco mais do que meia tela] (BL+RN) U-U-B-D
Fatality 2: B-F-D-D-R
Animality: [perto] (LP) B-F-D-F
Friendship: B-F-B-D-R
Babality: D-D-F-LK
Pit: F-F-D-HP
Grenade Low: D-B-HP
Grenade High: D-B-LP
Baton Trip: F-B-LP
Baton Toss: F-F-HK
Fatality 1: [perto] D-F-D-F-BL
Fatality 2: [quase toda a tela] F-F-F-LK
Animality: [rasteira] R-R-R-BL
Friendship: LP-R-R-LP
Babality: D-F-F-B-HP
Pit: F-U-U-HK
Ice Blast: D-F-LP
Ice Shower: D-F-HP
Ice Shower (na frente): D-F-B-HP
Ice Shower (atrás): D-B-F-HP
Ice Statue: D-B-LP
Slide: B+LP+BL+LK
Fatality 1: [perto] BL-BL-R-BL-R
Fatality 2: [fora da rasteira]B-B-D-B-R
Animality: [perto] F-U-U
Friendship: LK-R-R-U
Babality: D-B-B-HK
Pit: B-D-F-F-HK
Harpoon: B-B-LP
Teleport+Uppercut: F-F-LK (pode ser feito no ar)
Invisibility: U-U-R (para voltar ao normal, faça o mesmo)
Air Throw: BL (no ar)
Fatality 1: [longe] U-U-F-D
Fatality 2: [rasteira] (R+BL) D-D-F-U
Animality: [fora da rasteira] D-F-F-BL
Friendship: [longe] R-R-R-HK
Babality: D-D-B-B-HK
Pit: F-F-D-LK
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1 - Go to the food court. Believe it or not, the food court is the absolute preferred location from the local mall to meet a young lady. Here's what you do. Pick a foodstuff put and get in line for the meal. Even when you’re in line, look and feel around the area the place anybody is seated and eating. Glance for a woman seated alone, as well as two ladies sitting down together. When you may have your meal in hand, walk around to exactly where she or they can be sitting down and ask if you’re able to join them. If you're honest and straightforward with them, your chances are rather fantastic.
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The traditional man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are numerous types for various occasions, but they are all common in their quest for a wise, sharp search for the individual. The best part about basic style for men is that it's efficiently stylish efficiently cool. A well-groomed gentleman will more often than not look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the design of such apparel. A suit will undoubtedly be worn to work in several careers due to the professional search it affords to the individual, instilling a sense of respect and trust. Equally a match will be used to several social occasions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This amazing versatility which allows suits to be used in nearly all occasions is what gives it its timeless advantage and a lasting invest men's fashion.
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In summary, though specific issues with common men's fashion can be cut back as new styles, the basic outfits which they are based on will never fall out of fashion.
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The relative complexities of women's and men's style
Both men and women may feel the demands of maintaining their wardrobe up-to-date and in time, yet men's style usually feels a lot easier. Of course, for both genders, clothes and style options may be just as elaborate, and there are lots of'fashionable'things that could easily become fashion faux pas - who are able to say they frequently see people walking on in 70s flares? On the other hand, men's style has a few choice items which can exist forever - which man is likely to watch out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Pick traditional cuts, colours and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.
Why basic men's fashion is timeless
The traditional man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are several versions for different occasions, however they are all popular in their pursuit of a wise, sharp look for the individual. The best part about traditional fashion for men is that it's efficiently trendy effortlessly cool. A well-groomed gentleman can almost always look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the style of such apparel. A suit will be utilized to work in several occupations because of the professional look it offers to the wearer, instilling a sense of respect and trust. Equally a match will undoubtedly be used to several social occasions, such as a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This incredible flexibility that allows suits to be utilized in virtually all functions is what gives it its eternal side and a lasting devote men's fashion.
Modern developments in classic men's fashion
Although basic men's designs will never be changed, it's interesting to observe that shifts in men's fashion trends have brought certain classic clothes back in fashion. The reputation of vintage clothing, specifically, has had back a wide-variety of basic designs into men's closets, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to make reference to men who dress in a classic yet extravagant way, working in a refined method and placing value on appearance. This tendency for nearly'over-the-top'common style for men is evident from events such as the'Tweed Run', wherever men and women of all ages dress in especially Victorian-style attire and take to the streets on vintage cycles - with many of the men wearing perfect mustaches! This really is just one single of several examples of data exhibiting the revival of such types. There are also numerous blogs on the web which concentrate on gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as whole web sites such as'The Art of Manliness'dedicated to giving articles on traditional men's fashion and grooming.
In conclusion, though certain issues with basic men's fashion can be cut back as new movements, the basic garments that they derive from will never fall out of fashion.
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StyleGun is an online men's fashion store with a technical perspective.
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